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Don't mind me.



        So I know I am supposed to start by telling you who I am. I’m supposed to tell you I am twenty-two years old, and I just graduated Summa Cum Laude (no one but me cares after commencement so I have to brag about it whenever I can) with a degree in literature and writing. I am supposed to tell you I moved from California to Florida three days after graduation, I am currently unemployed, and I have a nasty habit of drinking on Mondays. BUT, if I am being honest with you and myself, most of the people reading this will be supportive friends from college or family who will call it support but are really just trying to learn all the secrets I keep from them. So that being said, I’ll skip all the biographical crap and jump right into answering the “why did you start this blog anyway” question. To be honest with you, I am just bored. Post-grad I have been reading too much, netflixing too much, and getting chicken-fried in the Florida sun, but two weeks of vacation has been enough for me and I decided I should start writing again.

            I had a bit of trouble trying to decide what I wanted to write about. I thought about doing something creative and intellectual like most of my smart friends (who, I forgot to mention, started blogs of their own. That was another catalyst for my newfound pastime), but I decided to capture and write about the random and mostly pointless topics that flicker through my head every day. And when I say capture, I mean that literally. I will have to write that shit down quick because it really comes and goes pretty fast. I call this masterpiece “Don’t Mind Me” because, since honesty is important here, it really won’t be that great or stimulating. You won’t learn many new things, and I’ll probably spend a lot of time complaining. But if that’s your jam then keep on keepin’ on and read my next post. I don’t know when it will come, I don’t like writing schedules, but subscribe and you won’t miss a thing.


PSA: If you feel like you should have and intellectual chaser for the nonsense I’ll be posting here, check out my friends blog “I Take Things Literally” Here’s the link nerds:


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